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FACES is an expression of the greater Farmville community that created it and sustains it.


FACES was founded in 1981 by a group including ministers, farmers, teachers and others with the mission of distributing donated food to local families in need. Distributions were made to a small number of families from a cramped second floor storage room above a shoe repair shop on West Third Street. Since then it has evolved into one of the largest food agencies in Virginia. FACES now distributes food to an average of 900 households annually representing over 1,800 individuals.


FACES activities are supported through voluntary labor and monetary contributions from the Farmville area community. Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Lutheran churches rotate and share weekly bagging and distributions as well as contributing generously for the purchase of food. Longwood University and Hampden-Sydney College students regularly volunteer and are essential to the operation. For many years, instead of hiring paid staff, FACES assigned each of its local board members a specific weekly job.


The Farmville Herald has been generous in helping us get the word out to potential volunteers and donors. Prince Edward County provides a generous contribution. Feed More enables us to buy food for cents on the dollar. Food Lion, Walmart, Starbucks, and Sheetz donate produce, baked goods, and meat in substantial amounts several times per week, and Little Caesars donates pizza!


FACES is designated a “Tier 1” Food Agency (the highest on a scale of 1-5) by Feed More for size and effectiveness.


Households Served: 1100


Total number of individuals receiving food: 2296


Average number of food bags  distributed weekly: 650


FACES distributed approximately 1,000,000 pounds of food in 2023


Total annual budget 2023: $134,950


Persons living below the poverty level, Prince Edward County: 23.6%



FACES Facts 2023

Phone 434.392.6277



Farmville FACES

PO BOX 644 (mailing)

482 Commerce Road

Farmville, Virginia 23901 

County Line FACES 
12129 County Line Rd

Keysville, Virginia



Sorting & Packing

Thurs  8:00AM – 11:00AM

          3:00PM – 5:00PM


Sat     8:00AM – 10:30AM


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